Thursday, July 2, 2009


i'm so mad right now...okay, so granted i've been hating my job a bit lately anyways but still...and, yes i know i'm lucky to have a job (there are those that don't)...and i'm happy to have one, sometimes i just wish it wasn't this one...

so for the past two and one half days i've been working on rental applications & renters insurance & changing utility billing & getting all the lease stuff together for one of our other locations. first, it's not in my job description so i'm a lil frustrated that i'm the one doing it anyways. but if our sales manager would have just brought the f*cking money order in last night like i told him to (with 2.5 hours to spare) he would have had the keys in hand and been able to move in last night...but, NO, he had too many things to do. forget the fact that i've only called 4 clients in the past 3 days or the fact that i had to go over everything from start with the lady at the rental office since he didn't tell me anything that i needed to know to talk to her. i mean, hello, her name would have been nice for starters. so, for the second time this week i'm staying at the office late, missing my karate class, cuz no one could get their stuff together...i'm so mad! and no one seems to think it's a big deal. and that just makes me more angry...

*deep breath* okay, i'm a lil better now...i need a vacation, well a different job for sure, but definitely a vacation...

1 comment:

  1. Honey, we should talk. Boundaries would be good. Really good. ...and another job. ...and a vacation. ;)
