Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hospitals suck

It's been a crazy couple weeks. I've been kinda quiet.  Some of y'all know what's been going on, some not.

Mom has been sick, basically, since New Years. She's been in the hospital since the 4th. There have been a few ups & downs in that time. Thanks to everyone that had called, texted, or visited. Mom sure appreciated all the good thoughts & kind words.

I've been staying at the hospital with her. Man, those recliners suck to sleep in...but my mama wanted me there, so that's where I was.

Sorry to anyone that I may have ignored or not kept touch with; this crap is hard.

I've been thinking about it for awhile now; I'm going to start a caring bridge page for her. That way anyone that wants to know how things are going or how she's doing can just look there. I'll let people know when I'm done with it.

Currently, I'm home...sick...and just texting mom for updates on how she's feeling. Ugh, I hate being sick. Guess the hospital had been a lil draining.

Here's hoping mom can come home tomorrow & that I feel well enough again to help make that happen.

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